Britain in Bloom Success
Earlier this month we heard that Plympton St Maurice has again received a Silver-Gilt medal in the South West division of the Britain In Bloom festival.
Whilst it wasn't the Gold we were hoping for, the good news is we were winners in the village class.
We are also very pleased to say that a pupil from St Maurice School was also awarded a "Highly Commended" certificate in the children's art competition.
I would like to express a huge thankyou and well done to all those who have been involved but a special mention must go to Wendy, Mo,and Liz who have put in a huge amount of effort in the months and weeks in the run up to judging day -they really have done the village proud.
Next year's competition is a while off yet and we are fast approaching the winter months but let's try and strive for that Gold medal next year.